Welcome to the Sexual Consent Quiz This is for Active SASHA Members only, if you are not a member of SASHA you can apply for membership here: Become a Member Before you begin the quiz, please fill in your contact information below. This information will be used to generate your CPD Certificate so please ensure that you fill this information out correctly. Please note that you will not receive another CPD certificate if you attended the webinar live and have already received a CPD certificate for that webinar. Good luck! Name and Surname Email Address (The email that you use for SASHA correspondence) Registration Number Are you an active member of SASHA / has your membership fee for the year been paid? (Yes/No) 1. Mark the incorrect option: The definition of Sexual Consent (Hickman and Muehlenhard, 1999) Includes free verbal and non-verbal communication Does not take into account the presence of drugs/alcohol Includes the absence of coercion or incapacitation None 2. Is the following statement True or false? The perception only from men is that woman communicate their consent non-verbally, but their refusals verbally. True False None 3. Communicating behaviours of sexual consent to a partner includes Making no response Verbal and non-verbal behaviours Direct or indirect communication All of the above None 4. South African laws provide the right to access Health care and information from any healthcare facility and includes the following, mark the incorrect one To any child over the age of twelve years Child must be accompanied by a parent Includes access to sexual and reproductive health Includes having access to condoms None 5. In South African Consent Law, which is true? The age of consent is 16 years Children engaging in consenting sexual behaviours with someone their own age i.e. between 12-16 years has been decriminalised Includes the sexual rights of children and when they can and can’t consent All of the above None 6. Rape in Kenya only includes penile/ vaginal penetration True False None 1 out of 1 Time's up